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Re: rust: NetBSD 9 earmv7, version selection, RUST_TYPE

> In total, this is incorrect as rust-bin (1.83) installs fine and works.
> There is no comment explaining the conditional and I'm guessing a build
> of 1.83 from source fails, but that's me guessing.
> I'm not sure what the right fix is, among:
>   the 176 switch is obsolete and should be removed


Rust 1.76 was the last version which could be self-hosted on any
32-bit arm system we support, i.e. built natively on 32-bit arm.

Later versions fail to build the embedded LLVM with virtual
memory exhaustion.

>   the 176 switch should be gated on RUST_TYPE being src


>   rust176 bl3 should allow newer, but that breaks the property of
>   actually wanting old rust, vs old rust being second best

Yes, it probably should allow newer.

>   rust-bin 1.83.0 is actually broken on 9 earmv7 and shouldn't be
>   allowed to be installed

In my test log I find that I got a "signal 11" in cargo with the
combination of 32-bit arm, NetBSD 9 and rust-bin 1.83.0, but I
*think* this was while my test system ran 9.0, thus missing the
thread-local storage fixes to ld.elf_so from later netbsd-9
versions.  I didn't go back and re-test with 9.0 after upgrading
my test system to 9.4, though later similar tests with 1.84.1 and
1.85.0 on 9.4 have succeeded.


- Håvard

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