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Re: Yacc Shaving, or, Latest macOS CLT Laccs Something

On 9 Mar 2024, at 21:27, Greg A. Woods wrote:

So do the CommandLineTools include a full compiler toolchain? It would appear from the contents of your CommandLineTools/usr/bin that it does. I had always assumed they did not include the actual compiler and that's
why Xcode was required.  I've always installed full Xcode.

Yes, CLT includes the compiler and linker and suffices on its own for Unix-style development purposes. (Just checked that bootstrap/README.macOS says so, and it does.)

I've just committed the macOS patch to detect when m4 or yacc are missing, allowing the tools framework to fall back as intended. I don't expect the change to affect Xcode users, as they were already unaffected by the problem, but please let me know of any new problems I've caused or old problems I've missed.

For CLT users, I expect this to fix much of the fallout, but not all. For instance, packages with configure scripts that invoke "m4" or "yacc" (or "byacc") directly and haven't declared them in USE_TOOLS will pop up a macOS dialog prompting you to install the CLT. Don't bother with that, it doesn't help, but please do let us know when and where you encounter this.

Happy Mac-ing,

- Amitai

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