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Re: and mysterious build errors

> This is indeed a mess

> 2) switch to clang
I tried that, and it fails. Notibly, it fails to build lang/llvm.
It also fails to build www/squid4.

> 3) build a gcc in a second prefix and configure pkgsrc to use that
That's what I'm currently doing. Build a recent enough gcc in 
/usr/pkg.compiler_boot, use that to build the same gcc version in 
/usr/pkg and then use that to build the rest.
Unfortunately, I went through this with "recent enough" = 6 to learn that 
poppler needs 7. So I'm re-running with 8.

> 4) switch to current and hope that gcc is good enough
That seems to be the preferred attitude of some relevant developers. But 
that's unacceptable for a production environment.

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