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lang/wasi-libc build failure on amd64


I am running a pkg_rolling-replace from pkgsrc-HEAD on my NetBSD amd64 machine. The build fails in wasi-libc, which is a firefox dependency. I attached the full build log, but the important thing (I think) is this:

/usr/pkgsrc/lang/wasi-libc/work/wasi-libc-ad5133410f66b93a2381db5b542aad5e0964db96/sysroot/include/wasi/api.h:31:2: error: <wasi/api.h> only supports wasm32; doesn't yet support wasm64
#error <wasi/api.h> only supports wasm32; doesn't yet support wasm64

Is this supposed to work on 64-bit systems?


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