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Re: Failure message when inconsistent X11_TYPE

Frederic Fauberteau <> writes:

>   .if empty(MACHINE_PLATFORM:MNetBSD-[0-5].*)
>   X11_TYPE?=             native
>  +.  if !empty(X11_TYPE:Mnative) && !exists(/etc/mtree/set.xbase)
>  +PKG_FAIL_REASON+=      "Native X11 distribution cannot be used if xbase set has not been installed. You should set X11_TYPE=modular or install xbase set."
>  +.  endif
>   .endif

I'm not really a fan, but I can't really argue against this.

I'd adjust the wording to:

  X11_TYPE=native but xbase set is not installed.  Either set X11_TYPE to modular or install xbase."

because "native x11 distribution cannot be used" is hard to follow if
you don't even know this exists, and with X11_TYPE at least you can grep
for it.

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