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daily pkgsrc CVS update output

Updating pkgsrc tree:
P pkgsrc/audio/libopenmpt/Makefile
U pkgsrc/audio/libopenmpt/distinfo
P pkgsrc/comms/py-rich/Makefile
U pkgsrc/comms/py-rich/distinfo
P pkgsrc/devel/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-gospel/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-gospel/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-gospel/PLIST' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-gospel/' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-gospel/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-hashstructure/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-hashstructure/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-hashstructure/PLIST' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-hashstructure/' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-hashstructure/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-homedir/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-homedir/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-homedir/PLIST' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-homedir/' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-homedir/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-ini/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-ini/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-ini/PLIST' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-ini/' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-ini/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-jwalterweatherman/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-jwalterweatherman/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-jwalterweatherman/PLIST' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-jwalterweatherman/' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-jwalterweatherman/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-tmc/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-tmc/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-tmc/PLIST' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-tmc/' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-tmc/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-walker/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-walker/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-walker/PLIST' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-walker/' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-walker/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-wordwrap/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-wordwrap/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-wordwrap/PLIST' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-wordwrap/' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-wordwrap/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Log-Agent/Makefile
U pkgsrc/devel/p5-Log-Agent/distinfo
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Log-Any/Makefile
U pkgsrc/devel/p5-Log-Any/distinfo
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate/Makefile
U pkgsrc/devel/p5-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate/distinfo
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Log-Dispatchouli/Makefile
U pkgsrc/devel/p5-Log-Dispatchouli/distinfo
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Log-Log4perl/Makefile
U pkgsrc/devel/p5-Log-Log4perl/distinfo
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Log-Report/Makefile
U pkgsrc/devel/p5-Log-Report/distinfo
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Log-Report-Optional/Makefile
U pkgsrc/devel/p5-Log-Report-Optional/distinfo
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Mixin-Linewise/Makefile
U pkgsrc/devel/p5-Mixin-Linewise/distinfo
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Module-ScanDeps/Makefile
U pkgsrc/devel/p5-Module-ScanDeps/distinfo
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-MooX-File-ConfigDir/Makefile
U pkgsrc/devel/p5-MooX-File-ConfigDir/distinfo
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Net-CIDR/Makefile
U pkgsrc/devel/p5-Net-CIDR/distinfo
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Net-Netmask/Makefile
U pkgsrc/devel/p5-Net-Netmask/distinfo
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Object-Declare/Makefile
U pkgsrc/devel/p5-Object-Declare/distinfo
P pkgsrc/devel/py-bitarray/Makefile
U pkgsrc/devel/py-bitarray/distinfo
P pkgsrc/devel/py-greenlet/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/py-greenlet/distinfo
P pkgsrc/devel/py-setuptools/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/py-setuptools/PLIST
P pkgsrc/devel/py-setuptools/distinfo
P pkgsrc/doc/CHANGES-2021
P pkgsrc/doc/TODO
P pkgsrc/geography/gdal-lib/Makefile.common
P pkgsrc/geography/gdal-lib/distinfo
P pkgsrc/geography/libgeotiff/Makefile
U pkgsrc/geography/libgeotiff/distinfo
P pkgsrc/geography/py-gdal/PLIST
P pkgsrc/graphics/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/graphics/go-image/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/graphics/go-image/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/graphics/go-image/PLIST' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/graphics/go-image/' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/graphics/go-image/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/graphics/oxipng/Makefile
P pkgsrc/graphics/pastel/Makefile
P pkgsrc/math/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/math/go-units/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/math/go-units/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/math/go-units/PLIST' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/math/go-units/' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/math/go-units/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/net/gallery-dl/Makefile
P pkgsrc/net/gallery-dl/PLIST
P pkgsrc/net/gallery-dl/distinfo
P pkgsrc/net/py-dpkt/Makefile
P pkgsrc/net/py-dpkt/PLIST
U pkgsrc/net/py-dpkt/distinfo
P pkgsrc/net/py-zeroconf/Makefile
U pkgsrc/net/py-zeroconf/distinfo
P pkgsrc/security/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/security/go-xxhash/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/security/go-xxhash/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/security/go-xxhash/PLIST' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/security/go-xxhash/' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/security/go-xxhash/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/security/p5-Crypt-JWT/Makefile
U pkgsrc/security/p5-Crypt-JWT/distinfo
P pkgsrc/security/polkit/distinfo
P pkgsrc/security/polkit/patches/patch-src_polkitbackend_polkitbackendduktapeauthority.c
P pkgsrc/security/py-gssapi/Makefile
U pkgsrc/security/py-gssapi/distinfo
P pkgsrc/sysutils/navi/Makefile
P pkgsrc/sysutils/ncdu/Makefile
U pkgsrc/sysutils/ncdu/distinfo
P pkgsrc/sysutils/onefetch/Makefile
U pkgsrc/sysutils/onefetch/PLIST
P pkgsrc/sysutils/onefetch/
P pkgsrc/sysutils/onefetch/distinfo
P pkgsrc/sysutils/xplr/Makefile
P pkgsrc/sysutils/xplr/distinfo
P pkgsrc/textproc/Makefile
P pkgsrc/textproc/lok/Makefile
U pkgsrc/textproc/prose/DESCR
U pkgsrc/textproc/prose/Makefile
U pkgsrc/textproc/prose/PLIST
U pkgsrc/textproc/prose/
U pkgsrc/textproc/prose/distinfo
P pkgsrc/textproc/py-humanize/Makefile
P pkgsrc/textproc/py-humanize/PLIST
U pkgsrc/textproc/py-humanize/distinfo
P pkgsrc/textproc/sd/Makefile
P pkgsrc/textproc/zet/Makefile
P pkgsrc/textproc/zet/
P pkgsrc/textproc/zet/distinfo
P pkgsrc/www/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/www/go-tocss/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/www/go-tocss/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/www/go-tocss/PLIST' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/www/go-tocss/' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/www/go-tocss/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/www/lariza/Makefile
P pkgsrc/www/lariza/distinfo
P pkgsrc/www/monolith/Makefile
P pkgsrc/www/monolith/
P pkgsrc/www/monolith/distinfo
P pkgsrc/www/p5-Dancer2/Makefile
U pkgsrc/www/p5-Dancer2/distinfo
P pkgsrc/www/snownews/Makefile
P pkgsrc/www/snownews/PLIST
P pkgsrc/www/snownews/distinfo
P pkgsrc/www/snownews/patches/patch-configure
P pkgsrc/x11/rterm/Makefile
P pkgsrc/x11/rterm/
P pkgsrc/x11/rterm/distinfo
P pkgsrc/x11/xdo/Makefile

Killing core files:

Updating pkgsrc-2021Q2 pkgsrc tree (/ftp/pub/pkgsrc/pkgsrc-2021Q2):
? pkgsrc/PKGDB

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