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daily pkgsrc CVS update output

Updating pkgsrc tree:
cvs update: `pkgsrc/audio/alsa-lib/patches/patch-src_dlmisc.c' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/cad/py-gds/Makefile
P pkgsrc/chat/matrix-synapse/Makefile
P pkgsrc/chat/matrix-synapse/PLIST
P pkgsrc/chat/matrix-synapse/distinfo
P pkgsrc/databases/mongo-c-driver/Makefile
U pkgsrc/databases/mongo-c-driver/distinfo
P pkgsrc/databases/mongodb/Makefile
P pkgsrc/databases/mongodb/distinfo
cvs update: `pkgsrc/databases/mongodb/patches/patch-src_mongo_db_repl_isself.c' is no longer in the repository
U pkgsrc/databases/mongodb/patches/patch-src_mongo_db_repl_isself.cpp
P pkgsrc/devel/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-fs/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-fs/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-fs/PLIST' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-fs/' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-fs/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-immutable-radix/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-immutable-radix/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-immutable-radix/PLIST' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-immutable-radix/' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-immutable-radix/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-locker/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-locker/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-locker/PLIST' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-locker/' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/go-locker/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/nspr/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/nspr/PLIST
U pkgsrc/devel/nspr/distinfo
P pkgsrc/devel/nspr/patches/patch-ab
P pkgsrc/devel/nspr/patches/patch-ac
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/nspr/patches/patch-ae' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/nspr/patches/patch-ag' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/nspr/patches/patch-ba
P pkgsrc/devel/nspr/patches/patch-nspr_pr_include_md___netbsd.cfg
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/nspr/patches/patch-nspr_pr_include_md___pth.h' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/nspr/patches/patch-nspr_pr_src_pthreads_ptsynch.c
P pkgsrc/devel/nspr/patches/patch-nspr_pr_src_pthreads_ptthread.c
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/nspr/patches/patch-nsprpub_pr_include_md__dragonfly.cfg' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/nspr/patches/patch-nsprpub_pr_include_md_prosdep.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/nspr/patches/patch-nsprpub_pr_src_md_unix_uxrng.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/nspr/patches/patch-nsprpub_pr_src_pthreads_ptio.c' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/py-astroid/Makefile
U pkgsrc/devel/py-astroid/distinfo
P pkgsrc/devel/py-boost/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/py-ipython5/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/py-pylint/Makefile
U pkgsrc/devel/py-pylint/distinfo
P pkgsrc/doc/CHANGES-2021
P pkgsrc/doc/TODO
cvs update: `pkgsrc/finance/gnucash/patches/patch-gnucash_gnome_assistant-loan.cpp' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/math/Makefile
P pkgsrc/math/py-numpy/
P pkgsrc/math/smath-studio/Makefile
P pkgsrc/net/Makefile
P pkgsrc/net/dbip-asn-lite/Makefile
U pkgsrc/net/dbip-asn-lite/distinfo
P pkgsrc/net/dbip-city-lite/Makefile
U pkgsrc/net/dbip-city-lite/distinfo
P pkgsrc/net/dbip-country-lite/Makefile
U pkgsrc/net/dbip-country-lite/distinfo
P pkgsrc/net/gh/Makefile
P pkgsrc/net/gh/distinfo
P pkgsrc/net/gh/
cvs update: `pkgsrc/net/go-framestream/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/net/go-framestream/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/net/go-framestream/PLIST' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/net/go-framestream/' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/net/go-framestream/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/net/tor/Makefile
U pkgsrc/net/tor/distinfo
P pkgsrc/net/tor/
P pkgsrc/security/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/security/go-sftp/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/security/go-sftp/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/security/go-sftp/PLIST' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/security/go-sftp/' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/security/go-sftp/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/textproc/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/textproc/go-inflect/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/textproc/go-inflect/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/textproc/go-inflect/PLIST' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/textproc/go-inflect/' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/textproc/go-inflect/distinfo' is no longer in the repository

Killing core files:

Updating pkgsrc-2021Q2 pkgsrc tree (/ftp/pub/pkgsrc/pkgsrc-2021Q2):

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