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Re: PKG_DEVELOPER=yes [Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang/zig]

On 15.05.2020 11:38, Jonathan Perkin wrote:
> * On 2020-05-15 at 02:19 BST, Greg Troxel wrote:
>> Perhaps we should think in terms of multiple levels of checks, rather
>> than PKG_DEVELOPER=yes or not.  As I see it there are multiple
>> situations:
>>   1) random users building packages
>>   2) users who are testing package changes for gnats or wip
>>   3) people with commit access to pkgsrc who are building/testing,
>>      perhaps prior to commit
>>   4) people who are looking for trouble
>>   5) bulk builds
> I don't really see it that way.  I see two clear distinctions:
>  1. Checks that ensure that a package is built correctly.
>  2. Checks that try to improve the quality of the package metadata.

In my opinion we shall force (5) to everybody.

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