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Re: Selecting a C++ compiler

Edgar Fuß <> writes:

> The idea is to have the user select a GCC version to compile all C++ dialects 
> with (GCC_CXX_VERSION, default 48) and
> -- complain if the selected version doesn't support the used dialects
> -- complain if the version mandated by GCC_REQD is higher
> -- otherwise use that version instead of _GCC_REQD.

This is basically what we have been discussing for a long time and never
quite done.  I think we are overdue for solving the problem and having
someone willing to write and rewrite patches and test really helps.

> The default should probably be chosen more intelligently and the list of 
> unsupported dialects is probably incomplete.

Sure.  In particular, I think the default needs to be chosen based on OS
and OS version so that we can for each choose to accept what comes with,
or else go high.

Two big questions that I am not quite clear on:

  1) Is the C ABI/runtime stable enough that we can reasonably build C
  programs with the base system gcc, and use something else for C++?  Or
  do we have to move to one version always?  Consider things like geos
  which are implemented in C++ but provide C libraries.

  2) What about building the new gcc itself?  How do we mark that not to
  choose the new (itself) compiler?  Perhaps GCC_CXX_BOOTSTRAP=yes in
  every package that we need.  But do we then need to build a new
  version with the new compiler for compat, and have two, or ?

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