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Re: p5-* modules and DEPEND for tests
On Sat, 19 Jul 2008 23:00:26 +0900, Ulrich Habel <>
> [...]
> 'PREREQ_PM' => { XML::Elemental=>'2.0',
> Class::XPath=>1.4,
> Class::ErrorHandler=>0,
> Test::More=>0 }
> [...]
> this would lead to the following DEPENDS inside pkgsrc
> DEPENDS+= p5-XML-Elemental>=2.0:../../textproc/p5-XML-Elemental
> DEPENDS+= p5-Class-XPath>=1.4:../../devel/p5-Class-XPath
> DEPENDS+= p5-Class-ErrorHandler-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Class-ErrorHandler
> the Perl Module Test::More is part of the Perl distribution. Which could
> be easily found out by running:
> pkg_info -L perl | grep Test/
Do you have any plan how to handle this kind of dependency,
if not Test::More=>0, but Test::More=>'0.62' or '0.80'?
Now PERL5_REQD=5.8.7, it contains Test::More 0.47,
5.8.8 contains 0.62 and devel/p5-Test-Simple contains 0.80
(and future perl may contains 0.80 or newer).
"Of course I love NetBSD":-)
OBATA Akio /
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