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That's how I would do it. If you want the DHCP server to enforce the lease (that is, not give the same address out twice) you can create a class with all the hardware addresses in it, and then a pool that is only allowed for that class with the one address you want to share. But I'm guessing that's more trouble than is required here.

On September 5, 2021 at 09:42:27, Simon Burge ( wrote:

Mouse wrote:

> When I convert this to a dhcpd.conf clause with multiple "hardware
> ethernet" lines, it doesn't work. I don't see any obvious complaints
> anywhere, but dhcpd hands out an address as if it didn't recognize the
> hardware address. (It might work if the address is the first in the
> list, or the last, or some such; I haven't experimented that much.)

I just use separate host entries with the same fixed-address entry which
makes for a verbose dhcpd.conf file but it works. For example:

host euclid {
hardware ethernet 00:14:22:ab:ea:b6;
fixed-address euclid;
host euclid-wpi {
hardware ethernet 00:13:02:8e:1e:a0;
fixed-address euclid;

I've never checked if there's an easier/cleaner way.


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