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Re: nd6_free assumes all routers are processed by kernel RA

    Date:        Mon, 26 Aug 2019 00:30:27 +0100
    From:        Roy Marples <>
    Message-ID:  <>

  | Now, if the link drops, the address will become detached so the new 
  | dhcpcd will then drop the default route. This may kill traffic which 
  | would be bad if the address comes back in a reasonable time. Hence my 
  | thought to just restrict lack of a default route to duplicated addresses.

OK, that makes sense.

My downloads finished a short while ago, so I have upgraded now.

First, with the old dhcpcd (which was 7.1.1) running dhcpcd -n did not
reinstate the default route (though I did not wait all that long ... more
than 4 seconds though, I think).   Restarting that version (via rc.d/..
stop / start) did bring the default route back.   I removed the default
route again, updated dhcpcd to the new version (8.0.3), and restarted that
version (same way) and no default route appeared.

I added a global (purely invented) v6 addr, and the default route was
added, then deleted that address again, and the defaut route went away.

So that looks like success.   Thanks.

Since you answered the earlier query I don't think I need to test ULA
addresses to verify that the same things work there, so I didn't...


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