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Re: IPv6 Stable Private Addresses RFC 7217

On 06/05/2014 03:52 PM, Ted Lemon wrote:
> On Jun 5, 2014, at 2:17 PM, Roy Marples <> wrote:
>> upgraders stay as they are until get upgrade their dhcpcd.conf
> It's possibly worth noting that the context where this matters is
> that you have a device that's moving around.   It really doesn't make
> as much difference for a static device.   So your pmax that you have
> sitting in the garage at home doesn't need stable private addresses
> as much as your laptop does.

They do. Stable-privacy addresses (RFC7217) are also meant to mitigate
host scanning attacks -- that was actually my motivation when I started
working on it at the time.

Fernando Gont
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