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Re: alx-0008 - Standardize strtoi(3) and strtou(3) from NetBSD

Hi Alejandro,

> > > > It would be useful to show how a success test looks like, after
> > > >     strtoi (s, &end, base, min, max, &status)
> > > > for each of the four frequent use-cases:
> > > >   -a. expect to parse the initial portion of the string, no coercion,
> > > >   -b. expect to parse the initial portion of the string, silent coercion,
> > > >   -c. expect to parse the entire string, no coercion,
> > > >   -d. expect to parse the entire string, silent coercion.
> > > > 
> > > > AFAICS, the success tests are:
> > > >   -a. status == 0 || status == ENOTSUP
> > > 
> > > Correct.
> > > 
> > > >   -b. status == 0 || status == ENOTSUP || status == ERANGE
> > > 
> > > Correct (but most likely a bug).
> Actually, now I remember that status can be NULL, in which case it's not
> reported.  This is a case where you could check for errors with a
> simpler expression:
> 	end != str
> but (status == 0 || status == ENOTSUP || status == ERANGE) is still a
> reasnoable one.

Unfortunately, with a comment like this, you make things more complicated,
not simpler. I was hoping for an API where success can be determined by
looking at 'status' in all four cases, and the "simple" solution that you
are recommending now is:
  -a. look at status
  -b. look at end
  -c. look at status
  -d. look at status AND end.

> I need to update the specification to mention that status can be NULL.

Why do so? This adds text to the specification, making the specification
more complex (=> longer to understand, harder to remember). The ability
to pass NULL for rstatus is not a useful feature.

> > > >   -d. status == 0 || (status == ERANGE && end > s && *end == '\0')
> > > 
> > > You don't need end>s, because that would preclude ERANGE.
> > > 
> > > 	status == 0 || (status == ERANGE && end == '\0')
> > > 
> > > Aaand, most likely a bug.
> > 
> > Cases b. and d. are not bugs. Often, the programmer knows that treating
> > a value > ULONG_MAX is equivalent to treating the value ULONG_MAX. These
> > are *normal* uses of strto[u]l[l]. Often it is the programmer's intent
> > that the values "4294967297" and "4294967295" produce the same behaviour
> > (the same error message, for example).
> If you want ULONG_MAX + 1 to be treated like ULONG_MAX, and both
> result in an error, then you should probably clamp at ULONG_MAX - 1,
> and consider anything above an error.

I said it in the paragraph above: Often the programmer wants a smooth
transition between "unreasonably large but not overflowing" values and
"overflow". So that only one diagnostic is needed for both cases.

1) getaddrinfo.c

> > Any use of strtoul that does not test errno wants overflow
> > to be mapped to ULONG_MAX, that is, is in case b. or d.
> > Just looking in gnulib and gettext, I find already 6 occurrences:
> >   gnulib/lib/getaddrinfo.c:299
> lib/getaddrinfo.c-297-          if (!(*servname >= '0' && *servname <= '9'))
> lib/getaddrinfo.c-298-            return EAI_NONAME;
> lib/getaddrinfo.c:299:          port = strtoul (servname, &c, 10);
> lib/getaddrinfo.c-300-          if (*c || port > 0xffff)
> lib/getaddrinfo.c-301-            return EAI_NONAME;
> lib/getaddrinfo.c-302-          port = htons (port);
> You could remove the preceding conditional if you don't want to avoid
> leading whitespace.

We don't want to allow leading whitespace here. We need to follow the
getaddrinfo() spec [1]. At the same time, disallowing a leading '-' sign
is a benefit as well. I consider it a misfeature that strtoul() parses
"-3" successfully and returns ULONG_MAX-2, which was most certainly
not intended by the user.

> You could merge that into the strtou(3) call, which
> would report ECANCELED for non-numeric input).  Except that a negative
> number is silently converted to a positive large value.  This is why I
> use a wrapper function strtou_noneg() that rejects negative numbers.

Ouch. Yet another problem with strtoul(). That would be worth another
error code in the specification of strtou().

> I think this is not one case where you want silent saturation.  You're
> indeed doing range checks [0, UINT16_MAX].

Yes, in this particular case, the ability to pass an arbitrary min and max
to strtou() is a practical feature.

2) nproc.c, omp_init.c

> >   gnulib/lib/nproc.c:402
> lib/nproc.c-383-/* Parse OMP environment variables without dependence on OMP.
> lib/nproc.c-384-   Return 0 for invalid values.  */
> lib/nproc.c-385-static unsigned long int
> lib/nproc.c:386:parse_omp_threads (char const* threads)
> lib/nproc.c-387-{
> ...
> lib/nproc.c-398-  /* Convert it from positive decimal to 'unsigned long'.  */
> lib/nproc.c-399-  if (c_isdigit (*threads))
> lib/nproc.c-400-    {
> lib/nproc.c-401-      char *endptr = NULL;
> lib/nproc.c:402:      unsigned long int value = strtoul (threads, &endptr, 10);
> lib/nproc.c-403-
> lib/nproc.c-404-      if (endptr != NULL)
> lib/nproc.c-405-        {
> lib/nproc.c-406-          while (*endptr != '\0' && c_isspace (*endptr))
> lib/nproc.c-407-            endptr++;
> lib/nproc.c-408-          if (*endptr == '\0')
> lib/nproc.c-409-            return value;
> lib/nproc.c-410-          /* Also accept the first value in a nesting level,
> lib/nproc.c-411-             since we can't determine the nesting level from env vars.  */
> lib/nproc.c-412-          else if (*endptr == ',')
> lib/nproc.c-413-            return value;
> lib/nproc.c-414-        }
> lib/nproc.c-415-    }
> First of all, the endptr!=NULL test seems misplaced.

I wasn't sure that all implementations store an endptr in all cases.

> And you could probably remove the isdigit test by calling
> strtou_noneg().

This would allow leading whitespace in the value of the environment
variable, which is not needed for OpenMP 6.0 [2] § 4.1.3 and therefore
better avoided.

> This could be something like this (fixing the bugs reported above):
> 	char    *end;
> 	u_long  value;
> 	value = strtou_noneg(threads, &end, 10, 0, ULONG_MAX, NULL);
> 	if (end != threads) {
> 		end += strspn(end, " \t\n");
> 		if (streq(end, "")
> 			return value;
> 		if (strprefix(end, ","))
> 			return value;
> 	}
> This is one case where you seem to silently ignore saturation.

This is on purpose. A CPU never has more than 1000 processors. Therefore
all values > 1000 should be treated the same way, whether they are
<= ULONG_MAX or > ULONG_MAX. Clamping to the number of actually available
processors occurs later in the code.

3) msgfmt.c

> >   gettext/gettext-tools/src/msgfmt.c:287
> gettext-tools/src/msgfmt.c-286-          char *endp;
> gettext-tools/src/msgfmt.c:287:          size_t new_align = strtoul (optarg, &endp, 0);
> gettext-tools/src/msgfmt.c-288-
> gettext-tools/src/msgfmt.c-289-          if (endp != optarg)
> gettext-tools/src/msgfmt.c-290-            alignment = new_align;
> This code will misbehave badly on platforms where size_t is narrower
> than u_long.

Such platforms (namely Windows 3.1) are not among the portability targets
of this code.

> You also don't reject negative numbers, which I expect to be a bug,
> connected with the one from above.

That could be a problem. Fortunately, the documentation makes it clear
that the argument is an "alignment", and reasonable users will therefore
only pass the values 1, 2, 4, 8, 16.

> Why don't you have a diagnostic message for invalid input?

Because this option is meant for users who know what an "alignment" is.

4) msgl-check.c

> >   gettext/gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c:379
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-374-          while (*nplurals != '\0' && c_isspace ((unsigned char) *nplurals))
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-375-            ++nplurals;
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-376-          endp = nplurals;
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-377-          nplurals_value = 0;
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-378-          if (*nplurals >= '0' && *nplurals <= '9')
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c:379:            nplurals_value = strtoul (nplurals, (char **) &endp, 10);
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-380-          if (nplurals == endp)
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-381-            {
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-382-              const char *msg = _("invalid nplurals value");
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-383-              char *help = plural_help (nullentry);
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-384-
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-385-              if (help != NULL)
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-386-                {
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-387-                  char *msgext = xasprintf ("%s\n%s", msg, help);
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-388-                  xeh->xerror (CAT_SEVERITY_ERROR, header, NULL, 0, 0, true,
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-389-                               msgext);
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-390-                  free (msgext);
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-391-                  free (help);
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-392-                }
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-393-              else
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-394-                xeh->xerror (CAT_SEVERITY_ERROR, header, NULL, 0, 0, false,
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-395-                             msg);
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-396-
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-397-              seen_errors++;
> gettext-tools/src/msgl-check.c-398-            }
> You could get rid of a lot of code preceding the strtoul(3) call by
> calling strtou_noneg() instead.

This would allow whitespace. Allowing whitespace here (as in "nplurals= 3")
is not a worthy feature.

> On the other hand, I also wonder why you don't diagnose invalid input.
> Why is -10 an "invalid nplurals value"

"-10" designates a negative number. For the number of plural forms, that's

> but ULONG_MAX+10 is a valid (albeit clamped) one?

Again, as mentioned above, values like 1000 and 10000000000000000 should
be treated the same way. Since ULONG_MAX+10 gets clamped to ULONG_MAX, that's
just fine.

> All of these cases look like missing error handling, IMO.

No. In this case, inspecting errno would be additional code with no benefit.

5) read-stringtable.c

> >   gettext/gettext-tools/src/read-stringtable.c:561
> gettext-tools/src/read-stringtable.c-553-    {
> gettext-tools/src/read-stringtable.c-554-      char *last_colon;
> gettext-tools/src/read-stringtable.c-555-      unsigned long number;
> gettext-tools/src/read-stringtable.c-556-      char *endp;
> gettext-tools/src/read-stringtable.c-557-
> gettext-tools/src/read-stringtable.c-558-      if (strlen (line) >= 6 && memcmp (line, "File: ", 6) == 0
> gettext-tools/src/read-stringtable.c-559-          && (last_colon = strrchr (line + 6, ':')) != NULL
> gettext-tools/src/read-stringtable.c-560-          && *(last_colon + 1) != '\0'
> gettext-tools/src/read-stringtable.c:561:          && (number = strtoul (last_colon + 1, &endp, 10), *endp == '\0'))
> gettext-tools/src/read-stringtable.c-562-        {
> gettext-tools/src/read-stringtable.c-563-          /* A "File: <filename>:<number>" type comment.  */
> gettext-tools/src/read-stringtable.c-564-          *last_colon = '\0';
> gettext-tools/src/read-stringtable.c-565-          catalog_reader_seen_comment_filepos (catr, line + 6, number);
> gettext-tools/src/read-stringtable.c-566-        }
> gettext-tools/src/read-stringtable.c-567-      else
> gettext-tools/src/read-stringtable.c-568-        catalog_reader_seen_comment (catr, line);
> gettext-tools/src/read-stringtable.c-569-    }
> You're forgetting about negative numbers?

Indeed, I didn't realize that strtoul() would accept "-3" as valid. As said
above, strtou() can improve on it, by reserving an error code for it.

> How about huge values?

In this code, we assume that line numbers are <= ULONG_MAX. Not an
unreasonable assumption. I have yet to see source code files that are
4 GiB large...

> But again, I wonder why you don't do range checks.

Range checks are not important here: The line numbers are not used as
indices; they are merely reproduced in the output.

> > If you don't want to do that, I can only repeat what I said in the previous
> > mail: The proposal *does not achieve the goal* of avoiding the most common
> > programmer mistakes. For a robust API, the success test should *only* involve
> > testing the returned 'status', nothing else.
> Let's discuss this after your responses to the above.

In the cases 1), 2), 4), use-case d. was chosen on purpose.



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