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Re: Setting TERM in single user mode

On Monday 2008-10-06 12:14 -0400, Greg A. Woods; Planix, Inc. output:
> Strictly speaking "console" should be _removed_ from /etc/ttys.  It is  
> (now) always the wrong device to run getty on.  A "constty" entry is the 
> only correct way to properly access the system console TTY device.

It still has meaning for single user mode.  See init(8):

    If the `console' entry in the ttys(5) file is marked ``insecure'', then
    init will require that the superuser password be entered before the sys-
    tem will start a single-user shell.  The password check is skipped if the
    `console' is marked as ``secure''.

So you can have something like this in /etc/ttys :

    console "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"         vt100   off insecure
    ttyE0   "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"         vt220   on secure


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