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On 2012-12-19 10:52, Dave McGuire wrote:
On 12/19/2012 10:21 AM, emanuel stiebler wrote:
did anybody continue to work on the x-windows issues?
Finally after years of absence, I got my VAXen back on my desk, and
would really like to work on them again.

Is there any documentation available for the LCG & LCSPX boards?
   I'm not working on this, and I don't have the docs, but I wanted to
add a voice of support anyway. :)  I've just unearthed quite a few
VAXen, and was given a few more (thanks Bob!) and hope to be spinning up
NetBSD on at least one soon.

   It has been far too long!
Exactly !
For personal reasons, I stayed away for a while, but now I have a little vacation, and going through my machines. Got the 4000/90 up and running, installed NetBSD-6.0, and it is currently chewing on the "CVS-Current"... The 4000/vlc is close to be up and running (trying to get some SCSI drives from the garage)
Some /105, /95 are waiting too.

So, instead of running a heater here in the winter, a VAX is much more fun ;-)

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