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Re: Sun QLogic SCSI HBA issues

Yes, I am using the console via VGA out from my XVR-100. I assume this is because NetBSD tries to respect Sun's console scheme but when NetBSD boots it boots with black text on a white background.

It starts displaying these messages as soon as the SCSI HBA is detected. So very shortly into the boot process.

---- Martin Husemann wrote ----

On Mon, Jan 07, 2019 at 08:30:15PM +0900, Christian Rodriguez wrote:

> Pressing Ctrl-Alt-F2 does not switch me to the second virtual console;

> instead, it prints *"^[[12~"* in between the messages.

Just to make sure: you are using the graphical console, not a serial connection?

When booting, how far do you get? Are there white on black messages between

the green (kernel) messages?


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