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Re: SparcStation 4 serial console


Mouse wrote:

You've got a cg14?  Nice!  (What does the SS4 have onboard?  It's been
too long since I worked with one.)
Yes, I also have the VRAM card for the SS20 and SS10 (the half-RAM 
version though) but removed it to free up more RAM place since I use it 
without video. It was so slow anyay with NetBSD compared to Solaris. I 
think I have a spare one now if I didn't give it away... should I check 
for you?
The SS4 reports TCX vide.

Yes, in general the ROMs will fall back to serial console when no
keyboard is present.  (The kernel uses the ROM's console spec in my
experience, but, even if that's changed in the versions you're using,
you should get serial console for OBP at least.)
That is why I am puzzled.

Okay, so that's not it.

What do they have diag-switch? set to?  I think if diag-switch? is set
true then OBP will talk to ttyb regardless of the ordinary console
setting, so if you're using the B connector on your Y cable and the '10
and '20 have diag-switch? set true but the '4 doesn't that might have
some relevance.
diag-switch is false. Didn't check on SS10 and SS20, but if i remember 
with diag-switch it would not autoboot...
Also, what are ttya-mode and ttyb-mode?  In general, the wrong baud
rate just produces baud barf.  But, if the mismatch is extreme enough,
you can get nothing but 0x00 or 0xff octets, which might look like no

But this looks like classic 9600/8/N/1 setup

Another possibility is that the serial output driver on the '4 is
fried.  If you boot it and write to the serial ports from NetBSD, do
you get any output?
No. No output... but the idea of Brian with getty gave me an idea.
I enabled getty on both ttya & ttyb

I tinkered to connect with that cable and a couple of other combinations, one never knows.
I noticed login appeared shortly and getty, like:

   0 575    1     0  85  0  5812 1528 ttyraw Ss+  ttyb  0:00.11 /usr/libexec/getty std.9600 ttyb
With some patience and attempts, I could blindly login! and type a command.
So I can send data to the SS4, but not receive it.

I tried both serial port A and B! I can login in both, but get no output.

I think it is unlikely that both output drivers are fried...

However minicom reports me always offline, the cables probably don't carry DTR over correcly (or CD?)
I wonder if that could disturb the SS4.. but not the SS10 & SS20...

Of particular relevance now, old video hardware such as the cg6 and
cg14 have a very limited list of video modes they can run in.  (The
cg14 is capable of more than the ROM-provided modes, but it's still
fairly restricted as compared to the peecee video that the modern
"monitor dictates the video parameters" model seems to be expecting.)
The SS4 has TCX:

[     1.000006] tcx0 at sbus0 slot 2 offset 0x800000 level 5 (ipl 9) (8-bit only TCX)
[     1.000006] tcx0: SUNW,tcx, 1152 x 900
[     1.000006] tcx0: id 0, rev 2, sense 0
[     1.000006] tcx0: autoconfiguration error: (console)
[     1.000006] tcx0: attached to /dev/fb0

and my monitor would like to do 1290x1024, it is a good old 4:3 LCD form IBM times. With dual-input VGA + HDMI!

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