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Re: new kernels and disk crash!


I don't insist on "historic hardware" but on reliable and performing stuff.

Martin Husemann wrote:
Pointers for available SCSI<->SATA adapters welcome!
There used to be some (expensive) options, but none of them seems to be
available recently.
Actually something proven for SCA80!
Although my SS10 is in a similar situation, but with trusty old 50pin. There I fond some hard disks working, but even with the pile of salvaged disks, it is extremely, extremely choosy!! at the end I made so many tests that I broke the SCSI flat and had to replace it. What I have works there... but eventually will fry, it is even older than the SCAs I had there.
Everyone seems to be using Bluescsi or similar SD card based solutions
nowadays, but I really want a professional SSD on some of this machines.
Not that fond of BlueSCSI... I don't trust these SD cards, in terms of 
life and speed (think swap, git, svn....)
Space is very tight too.
In the SS10 I couldn't fit a SCSI 50 to 80 pin adapter in terms of space (and didn't even work reliably)
A good board with SCSI-SATA converter on which to mount a 2.5" disk 
could be a good option, allowing both spinning rust and SSDs. Even an 
older SATA disk from a  laptop would beat in read/write performance the 
older SCSI disks.

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