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Re: Re (2): installing NetBSD on a Sparcstation 2.

On Sat, 7 Aug 2010 00:18:12 -0500
William Barnett-Lewis <wlewisiii%gmail.com@localhost> wrote:

> (Let's try this again...)
> On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 11:02 PM, der Mouse 
> <mouse%rodents-montreal.org@localhost> wrote:
> >>> Going to /bin/sh in the Utilities and issueing "fdisk -l" gives
> >>> nothing.  Tips?
> Hell, I've got a U5 that I can not get NBSD to install on. I have no
> clue why but it hangs half way through every time at the same freaking
> place. I've pretty much given up on the *BSDs for Sun systems.

I'm running 5.0.1 (sparc64) on a U5 here with no problems. I've
previously run 2.0 and 4.0 on dual processor Sparc 20s with good
results. Which install medium are you using? I seem to remember having
some problems with the CDROM on my U5 but a network install worked fine.

Regarding disks not being seen, I had a problem with a pair of IBM 9GB
SCA drives on one of my Sparc 20s, the boot ROM just wouldn't see them.
Replaced them with another pair of IBM drives, different model, and it
all worked. The first pair worked fine in another (non-sparc) machine
so I've no idea why the Sparc20 didn't like them.


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