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Re: A couple of suggestions

because my port/board is a completley differnet
machine than say a "walnut". It boots differently, installs differently
has support for different MBR, partitions and bootlabels, a different
set of "standard" devices, in fact, the only thing in common is the cpu :-)
While it is easy enought to replace the "walnut" definitions for evbppc
it is not so easy to support more that one of these at once from the
same source base. Subdirectories based on boardtype would make this easy
(which is what I did) - but I'm sure there would other ways too.


matt%3am-software.com@localhost wrote:
At 10:09 AM 1/6/2004, Derek God3 wrote:

Whilst we are on it, it would nice if "BOARDTYPE" were more visible
to the build.sh process. Why should my port/board's etc/etc.evbppc/*
distrib/evbppc/*, fdisk or disklabel be the same as somebody else's?
Perhaps subdirectories there would be more manageable - if only
BOARDTYPE were more visible.

Why should it be different?

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