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Re: Booting without ofwboot

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 12:18:33 +0200
Jorge Acereda <jacereda%gmail.com@localhost> wrote:

> I want to try NetBSD/ofppc on a Pegasos board. I tried to boot it
> directly, but it hangs without showing any message. ofwboot seems to
> work, but I can't see any way to use it to boot the kernel (no UFS
> partitions or floppy disk on this machine). My questions:
> - Why is ofwboot needed at all?
> - Has anyone patches to boot directly from OF?
In theory you can boot an ELF kernel image directly via the
OpenFirmWare. As I hered nothing good about the Pegasos and its 
OFW incarnation in particular you may be without luck. (Have a look 
at the trouble the OpenBSD people had with the Pegasos. Hardware, 
Soft/Firmware and the company.)


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