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Re: Gdium Liberty 1000

On Jul 28, 2009, at 5:40 PM, mouse%netbsd.org@localhost wrote:

I've recently found an inexpensive ($350US) mips64 based netbook for
sale: the Gdium Liberty 1000.

I'm tempted, simply because I believe anyone making non-x86 portables
should be rewarded. :-)

Getting NetBSD running on it looks fun but it needs a framebuffer
driver written for it.  Given the lack of serial, this will be a bit

What _does_ it have?  How much of the hardware is open?  I'm wondering
if we could do console-over-Ethernet or console-over-USB-serial or some
such initially - or perhaps callouts to ROM code or something.


console over usb-serial is seriously twisted but instead I'll have someone reword mine to have a real serial console (wiki describes what's needed)).

Does it come with a Windows port, or the manufacturer's own OS, or a
Linux port, or what?  I can't believe anyone is selling a machine
without at least pointing customers at an OS to run on it.

Linux.  So those sources should be a useful reference.

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