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Re: Tools mkhybrid(8) for mac68k/macppc ISO9660/HFS install ISO images

I wrote:

> I've tested the new iso-image on Power Mac G4 with OpenFirmware 3.4f1,
> and at least it can load ofwboot.xcf from the ISO image:
> (typed from screenshot; -a is specified to pause at prompt)
> I'll commit changes once after "build.sh release iso-image" is confirmed.
>  https://github.com/tsutsui/netbsd-src/compare/6c30992...tsutsui-macppc-iso-image-rebase


I'm still considering the following cleanups, but maybe we also
have to consider which ones should be into netbsd-10 pullups..

- move src/distrib/cdrom/macppc_mkhfsboot to
  src/sys/arch/macppc/stand/mkhfsboot and install hfsboot binary
  required by mkhybrid(8) for a bootable ISO to ${DESTDIR}/usr/mdec ?

- move src/distrib/cdrom/macppc_installboot to
  src/sys/arch/macppc/stand/installbootcd etc.?
 - eventually this should be merged into src/usr.sbin/installboot,
   but we have to reconsider how Apple partition map should be handled
   (by installboot(8) or pdisk(8), like MBR partition and fdisk(8) command)

- G/C whole src/distrib/cdrom stuff (at last)

Izumi Tsutsui

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