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Installer Image file format for current
I’ve probably missed something here, but I’m trying to boot NetBSD current on the Qemu emulator. (9.0 will boot reliably. 9.1 panics. Wanted to see what current does). Looks like the image available on CDN is an pure ISO which won’t boot.
chris@YeOldeComputer% file NetBSD-9.99.80-macppc.iso
NetBSD-9.99.80-macppc.iso: ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data ’NETBSD_99980'
chris@YeOldeComputer% file NetBSD-9.0-macppc.iso
NetBSD-9.0-macppc.iso: DOS/MBR boot sector
Does that auto build generate a bootable image normally or do I need to look at alternative ways of booting?
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