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Re: Installation Error For Mac68k NetBSD on SE/30

 I booted the installer kernel and went through the full process, and *thought* it went well, but when I try to use the booter it says “Magic numbers do not match - Improper UFS parition”. At the end of the installer it also said it failed a sanity check, which I’m guessing means I’m SOL and will have to do this all over again. It might be that the partition is at the end of the disk, based on what some of you have said, so I think the next step would be to try it on its own disk at SCSI 1 or whatever. Does that sound promising to y’all?

On Mon, Aug 7, 2023 at 3:21 PM Hauke Fath <hauke%espresso.rhein-neckar.de@localhost> wrote:
On Mon, 7 Aug 2023 14:07:46 -0500, RJ Kucia wrote:
> John - For that, do I just need to unpack netbsd-INSTALL.gz and place
> that on the Unix partition? Or would the booter just work with the gz
> directly from the HFS partition while Mac OS is running?

Just transfer the installer kernel to the MacOS side, the booter can
boot from a local kernel.

>> I'm assuming the installation was done with the "modern" method and not
>> with the "traditional" method, since the traditional method doesn't seem
>> to work any more at all (it creates the wrong, older type, of ffs root
>> filesystem).
> Stan - I was following this guide:
> http://users.erols.com/ewinkler/installguide/installguide.html
> I'm not sure if that counts as "traditional" or "modern".

Nicely made, but "The installation process should work with any version
of NetBSD from 1.3 to 1.4.2." - so yes, "traditional".  ;)

ISTR we've had sysinst-enabled install kernels on mac68k since at least


Hauke Fath                        <hauke%Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE@localhost>
Linnéweg 7
64342 Seeheim-Jugenheim

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