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Re: 9.0 Installing issues

Thanks for your fast and heplful reply, I'll give those options a go. I haven't tried to install NetBSD 8 so far, I only had a very single, empty CD left to burn the image on.
Meanwhile I gave another machine a try, slightly newer, this time 
booting from an USB stick, and right after the kernel has loaded (I 
believe those magic numbers at the very start with the rotating pipes 
indicate the kernel) the system reboots. Before any further boot 
messages appear. May give 8.2 a try here, as writing an image is easy.
Report back once I have more verbose output and have had a read through 

Am 15.04.20 um 15:03 schrieb Greg Troxel:
Ede Wolf <listac%nebelschwaden.de@localhost> writes:

I hope I've picked the proper list for my issue. I am experiencing
Yes, it's a good choice of list.

difficulties in installing NetBSD 9, as already the initial boot process
hangs at:

fd0 at fdc drive 0: 1.44MB, 80 cyl, 2 head, 18 sec
That means that the floppy was detected, I think.   Probably what is
hanging is the thing that is probed next after the floppy.

My system has no floppy, but it does have fdc0.  The next line is

acpicpu0 at cpu0: ACPI CPU

The funny thing, it does not matter at all wether I actually do connect
a floppy drive to the mainboard or not. The result is the same - it
boots up to that point.
I don't find that surprising, once one accepts the theory that the
floppy part is ok and the next thing breaks before printing anything.

Is there anything I can possibly do to get the installer up and
running? Maybe any arguments I can pass to the boot menu?
Not sure what you may have missed, but read the man page boot(8).  You
can drop to the boot prompt with space and do

   boot -2

to disable ACPI, or boot -1 to disable multiple CPUs.

You can also do "boot -c" and try to disable drivers.  Sometimes video
drivers are trouble on some hardware.

Also "boot -v" should turn on more output which could provide a clue.

Are you able to boot NetBSD 8?  If so, you might look at the dmesg and
see what comes next.

If the system is running NetBSD 8, you could place a 9 kernel in
/netbsd9 and boot that manually via "boot -2 netbsd9" and see what happens.

Perhaps others will have advice.   Basically this is binary search on
differences and turning up verbosity, until you get to running the
kernel under a debugger from a different machine.  Remote gdb is not
that easy to set up, but is powerful.

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