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Re: nfs server performance (netbsd-5)

On Mon, Apr 05, 2010 at 12:38:20PM +0300, Jukka Marin wrote:
> I "upgraded" my 4.0 server to netbsd-5 by extracting the tarballs over
> the old binaries, so old libraries and stuff were not deleted.  Maybe this
> is causing me problems.. is it possible that the new nfsd is using libs
> from NetBSD 4.0 and this is causing problems?

That is very unlikely. But you can get rid of old libraries and
update configuration files using "postinstall". You can e.g.
Run "/usr/sbin/postinstall -s /where/ever/etc.tgz -d / check"
or "cd /usr/src && make postinstall-check". The later requires
a "netbsd-5-0" or "netbsd-5" source tree of course.

And for the record:
My NetBSD/amd64 5.0_STABLE NFS server works fine. My Mac OS X NFS client
can read large files with more than 500Mb/s.

        Kind regards

Matthias Scheler                                  http://zhadum.org.uk/

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