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Dell server - ethernet and raid?

I have a box running NetBSD xen i386, with RAID-1 (raidframe) dual SATA
disks, 4G ram, and a wm(4).  I am running
apache/svn/mod_wsgi/trac/postresql.  This works fine, but trac is too

I am thinking about buying more hardware to speed this up.  Cost is not
that important, but lack of grief is very important.  I would run NetBSD
5, and probably not run xen, but it might be easier to migrate the old
domU with xen.

I am looking at

  Dell PowerEdge 2900 III
  2 x quadcore xeon
  8GB ram

  PERC 6/i controller
  4 20G SATA

  dual BCM 5708

which will be about $2500.  Will this work out of the box with

  NetBSD/amd64 5.0 release

and I will have no trouble?  (I am not going to run X11 and don't care
about that.)

If that hardware is trouble, alternate suggestions are most welcome.


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