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Re: Eee PC 900 says hello to NetBSD

>> From what I read, the BIOS parameter allowing to change CPU speed has
>> been disabled since BIOS revision 0501. So far, "modprobe p4-clockmod" in
>> eeeXubuntu did make /proc/cpuinfo say the cpu freq was around 100MHz when
>> the system idled. From what I understood, p4-clockmod is something like
>> speedstep ancestor.
>Try INTEL_ONDEMAND_CLOCKMOD as kernel option.

It's already there.
How would I verify the cpu speed from sysctl ?


machdep.biosbasemem = 639
machdep.biosextmem = 2087616
machdep.booted_kernel = netbsd
machdep.diskinfo: 80:7880544(906/138/63),2 81:15761088(1024/21/63),2  wd0:80 
wd1:81 sd0
machdep.fpu_present = 1
machdep.osfxsr = 1
machdep.sse = 1
machdep.sse2 = 1
machdep.idle-mechanism = halt
machdep.acpi_vbios_reset = 1
machdep.acpi_beep_on_reset = 0
machdep.cpu_brand = Intel(R) Celeron(R) M processor          900MHz
machdep.sparse_dump = 1
machdep.tsc_freq = 900134660
machdep.sleep_state = 0
machdep.acpiapm.standby = 1
machdep.acpiapm.suspend = 3
machdep.clockmod.target = 7
machdep.clockmod.current = 7
machdep.clockmod.available = 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 

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