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Re: Few Jornada 690 questions

On Sun, Aug 13, 2006 at 11:19:47 +0200, Adam Wysocki via ArcaBit wrote:

> > > And reboots back to WinCE. When I boot with a serial console, it boots 
> > > fine. My Jornada is French, but I don't like it's keyboard layout, so 
> > > I've selected in hpcboot "European", maybe this is the case (does it 
> > > affect only the keyboard layout?).
> > 
> > Which hpcboot version are you using?
> Newest from the CVS (.exe.uue, not compiled by myself).

Hmm, I think the version in CVS has a few bugs.

Try this one:

(I hate it that hpcboot needs external proprietary tools to compile,
and so updated in the tree only infrequently.  I can never quite
rememer which of the source level fixes have made it into the
committed binary).

> > > 2. Suspending works okay, but unsuspending does not turn the display
> > > on.  I suspect it can be related to booting with a serial console.
> > 
> > Yes, it's a bug in the driver for the hd64461 video.
> I've fixed it by copying some stuff from hd64461video_attach() to the 
> power hook. I don't know if all of this is really necessary (probably 
> not), but it works. Patch attached.

That's a wrong approach.  I've just committed a fix as hd64461video.c
rev 1.36.

> > > 3. Is there a program or other possibility to turn the display off 
> > > and on? I've tried wsconsctl -da, but no option seems to be related.
> > 
> > I have written small wsblank utility (attached) to turn it on/off.
> > Yes, this functionality should really be integrated into wsconsctl.
> Thanks, it works. I've done some integration, check wsconsctl.patch.

Hmm, it was pointed out to me that we have screenblank(1).  But it's
1) broken - it doesn't unblank the screen correctly on keyboard/mouse
activity, and 2) it doens't have one-off non-daemon mode.  This need a
bit more thought.

> > > 4. I've calibrated my touch panel using tpctl, but in X it still 
> > > seems to be uncalibrated. Maybe there's an other utility for X 
> > > and other for the console?
> > 
> > What are the symptoms?  I guess the issue might be that touchpanel
> > readings are not stable when the pen is removed, and the driver picks
> > up a "ghost" move during pen removal.
> That's not the case. When I drag the stylus, the cursor move is related 
> to it, but the position is shifted (shift depends on the position). Take 
> a look:
> http://gallery.miauk.net/n/0014/dsc006.jpg
> http://gallery.miauk.net/n/0014/dsc007.jpg
> http://gallery.miauk.net/n/0014/dsc008.jpg
> http://gallery.miauk.net/n/0014/dsc009.jpg

Strange.  I can only suggest to try some printf-debugging in j6x0tp.c
Does it work better (if slighly off) if you don't calibrate the screen

> And by the way, here's the "warm reboot" message (I know it's not 
> readable, but at least the position of the message can be seen):
> http://gallery.miauk.net/n/0014/dsc002.jpg

That's printed by the WinCE ROM and is standard.

SY, Uwe
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