Sure, but I haven't got many init files. I have tried the bog standard twm, and no particular .xinitrc, just the standard xinitrc in /etc/X11/xinit.
Do you have a .Xdefaults directory, and is anything in there. I wonder if we have a different default setup.
I have also tried with evilwm, and a .xinitrc I am attaching. Evilwm doesn't use any other init file. I don't seem to have any XF86Config or xf86config. I guess it runs on default values.
I just realized I am confusing the Jornada with my x86 machines. Of course it has no XF86Config.
I am starting X with startx as an ordinary user. Key repeat works in both the above cases for me. I _think_ my userland is 3BETA, from a binary snapshot.
This is weird. Now I am wondering if perhaps it is something in the server setup. I know I get some errors on startup, and one of them tells me X is using the default console keyboard. I'll see if I can find the exact error next time I start up, and maybe someone will have an idea.