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Compaq C-Series 810 issues.

I recently started playing with NetBSD on a Compaq C-Series 810.  I wanted to 
document some of my successes and failures below:

[1] The 4.0 and 4.0.1 TX3912 kernels do not appear to be bootable on the 
device.  In every case, after psdboot1 transfers control to the kernel, the 
kernel hangs before initializing the display.  Thus there are no diagnostics at 
all as to where things halted.  At some point, I may try booting with serial 
output to see if I can get more information.

[2] I tried all of the 3.x series kernels.  They do initialize the LCD, but 
they all hang right about the point it probes the flash card (wd0).  I have 
seen in the list archives that this problem has been reported before.  It also 
appears the one individual may have gotten around this to some extent by 
popping the flash card out just when psdboot execed the kernel, and then 
presumably pushing it back in at some appropriate point in time.  I have not 
tried this personally yet to verify.

[3] The most recent kernel that I was able to successfully boot and use was 
from the 2.1 release.  That appears to be relatively useful and stable, so I 
installed that distribution to the CF card.

[4] I quickly discovered that although all the letter keys work, almost none of 
the symbol keys, nor special keys worked at all.  I did some looking in the 
kernel source and the problem became quite apparent.  The keyscan driver is 
clearly using a scancode table for a Japanese keyboard.  Mine is a US model 

[5] Thankfully, the wsconsole capabilities are well supported and with relative 
ease, I was able to construct the shell script below to run at boot time which 
loads a key remapping into wsconsole to fix the US keyboard.  It is now quite 
useable.  There are two remaining keyboard problems however, the backlight 
control and the Fn and Menu meta-keys still don't work quite right, however 
that can only be fixed in the kernel scan code table.

[6] I managed to build about 120 packages from PKGSRC for the 2.1 userland.  
This includes things like perl, python, ruby, lua, uemacs, nano, kermit, 
minicom, etc...  If anyone is interested in these packages, I can try to get 
the binary packages out to people.





wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 1 = Cmd_Debugger Escape"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 2 = 1 exclam"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 3 = 2 at"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 4 = 3 numbersign"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 5 = 4 dollar"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 6 = 5 percent"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 7 = 6 asciicircum"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 8 = 7 ampersand"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 9 = 8 asterisk"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 10 = 9 parenleft"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 11 = 0 parenright"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 12 = minus underscore"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 13 = equal plus"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 14 = Cmd_ResetEmul Delete"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 15 = Tab"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 16 = q Q"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 17 = w W"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 18 = e E"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 19 = r R"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 20 = t T"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 21 = y Y"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 22 = u U"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 23 = i I"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 24 = o O"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 25 = p P"
#wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 26 = bracketleft braceleft"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 27 = bracketleft braceleft"
#wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 27 = bracketright braceright"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 43 = bracketright braceright"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 28 = Return"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 29 = Cmd1 Control_L"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 30 = a A"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 31 = s S"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 32 = d D"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 33 = f F"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 34 = g G"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 35 = h H"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 36 = j J"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 37 = k K"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 38 = l L"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 39 = semicolon colon"
#wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 40 = apostrophe quotedbl"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 26 = apostrophe quotedbl"
#wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 41 = grave asciitilde"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 125 = grave asciitilde"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 42 = Shift_L"
#wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 43 = backslash bar"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 115 = backslash bar"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 44 = z Z"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 45 = x X"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 46 = c C"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 47 = v V"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 48 = b B"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 49 = n N"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 50 = m M"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 51 = Cmd_ContrastDown comma less"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 52 = Cmd_ContrastUp period greater"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 53 = slash question"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 54 = Shift_R"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 55 = KP_Multiply"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 56 = Cmd2 Alt_L"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 57 = Cmd_BacklightToggle space"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 58 = Caps_Lock"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 59 = Cmd_Screen0 f1 F1"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 60 = Cmd_Screen1 f2 F2"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 61 = Cmd_Screen2 f3 F3"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 62 = Cmd_Screen3 f4 F4"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 63 = Cmd_Screen4 f5 F5"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 64 = Cmd_Screen5 f6 F6"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 65 = Cmd_Screen6 f7 F7"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 66 = Cmd_Screen7 f8 F8"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 67 = Cmd_Screen8 f9 F9"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 68 = Cmd_Screen9 f10 F10"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 69 = Num_Lock"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 70 = Hold_Screen"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 71 = KP_Home KP_7"
#wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 72 = KP_Up KP_8"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 200 = KP_Up KP_8"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 73 = Cmd_BrightnessUp KP_Prior KP_9"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 74 = KP_Subtract"
#wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 75 = KP_Left KP_4"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 203 = KP_Left KP_4"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 76 = KP_Begin KP_5"
#wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 77 = KP_Right KP_6"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 205 = KP_Right KP_6"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 78 = KP_Add"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 79 = KP_End KP_1"
#wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 80 = KP_Down KP_2"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 208 = KP_Down KP_2"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 81 = Cmd_BrightnessDown KP_Next KP_3"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 82 = KP_Insert KP_0"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 83 = KP_Delete KP_Decimal"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 87 = f11 F11"
wsconsctl -w map+="keycode 88 = f12 F12"

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