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Re: Question about aarch64 image
john%klos.com@localhost (John Klos) writes:
>I'm wondering why might this be the case.
% gpt header 2024-11-24-netbsd-raspi-aarch64.img
Media Size: 3139182592 (3G)
Sector Size: 512
Number of Sectors: 6131216 (6M)
Header Information:
- GPT Header Revision: 1.0
- First Data Sector: 3 (3B)
- Last Data Sector: 6131213 (6M)
- Media GUID: d5a704a7-2580-4880-9a63-4eb226edc0fa
- Number of GPT Entries: 2
For some reason, the GPT in that image is sized to have 2 possible
table entries. The default is 128 entries, so the layout looks like:
start size index contents
0 1 PMBR
1 1 Pri GPT header
2 32 Pri GPT table
34 206814 1 GPT part - EFI System
3907028992 143 Unused
3907029135 32 Sec GPT table
3907029167 1 Sec GPT header
Each of the 32 GPT table blocks (512 bytes) can store 4 entries.
The first partition starts on block 34 and prevents extending
the table. The last partition may prevent extending the GPT copy.
The aarch64 image looks like:
start size index contents
0 1 PMBR
1 1 Pri GPT header
2 1 Pri GPT table
3 90200 1 GPT part - EFI System
90203 6041010 2 GPT part - NetBSD FFSv1/FFSv2
6131213 1 Unused
6131214 1 Sec GPT table
6131215 1 Sec GPT header
The one table block is good for 4 entries, so you could
patch the header to also allow 4 instead of 2, but there
is no command to do that.
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