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Question about aarch64 image
I'm wondering why might this be the case.
ftp "https://cdn.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/misc/jun/raspberry-pi/2024-11-24-aarch64/2024-11-24-netbsd-raspi-aarch64.img.gz"
cat 2024-11-24-netbsd-raspi-aarch64.img.gz | gunzip | dd bs=1m of=/dev/rsd0d
dkctl sd0 makewedges
gpt resizedisk sd0
gpt remove -i 2 sd0
gpt add -a 64k -t ffs -l pizero2root -s 239992704 sd0
gpt add -a 64k -t swap -l pizero2swap -s 2048576 sd0
gpt: /dev/rsd0: No available table entries
Why are there no available table entries?
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