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Re: ARM based laptops - what are you using?

On Sun, Dec 17, 2023 at 11:46 AM Alan Corey <alan01346%gmail.com@localhost> wrote:
> Just an awful Acer Chromebook.  It was advertised as doing Linux, but it does very little of it, maybe one of several CPUs.  Mostly it does Chrome.  It does Android stuff like runs Google Play, Google Earth.  I'd rather have a Pinebook Pro again.  It beats a Kindle or most tablets I've seen, has touch screen.

It's the PineTab 2 that has the touchscreen. I bought one, but it
feels slower than the Pinebook Pro. And the internal WiFi and
bluetooth are still not supported with the OS they put on it stock. I
haven't tried NetBSD on it.

I was hoping that there is some hackable Chromebook that would work.


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