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Re: pcictl pci0 list panics on ROCKPro64

On Fri, 24 Nov 2023 17:47:31 +0900
Masanobu SAITOH <msaitoh%execsw.org@localhost> wrote:

> If an PCIe card is inserted the PCIe slot, "pcictl pci0 list"
> panics with high probability.

I think we had this bug for a long time. One special thing about the
rk3399 pcie is that it is prone to generating a synchronous data abort
trap when attempting to read config space that is not claimed by any
device (as is done when probing for existing bdf triplets). For this
reason it has to use bus_space_peek to hide the trap from the caller.
There's not much other ARM code that uses bus_space_peek so it is where
I would start looking.

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