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Ethernet issue on NanoPi Neo


I've been running NetBSD for a while on various NanoPi NEO devices. For a long time, they weren't stable - they'd lock up for no straightforward reason after some hours or days and I couldn't get to the ddb, even on serial. Nowdays, they run perfectly for months, no matter the activity.


However, I have one issue: a non-trivial fraction of the time, emac0 doesn't work at boot. For warm reboots, this is close to half the time that nothing comes in and nothing goes out. tcpdump shows nothing, ifconfig down and up does nothing. Trying to generate network activity doesn't even get the ethernet blinky light going.

Does anyone have any thoughts on other things to try when the system is in this state? Or any thoughts about what might make emac0 properly initialize?

John Klos

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