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netbsd-9 cross-buidl tools fail

Attempting a cross build of netbsd-9 on amd64 fails for me while 
building the tools with

#      link  dtc/dtc
cc -O 
-I/u/sources/netbsd-9/src/tools/compat -DHAVE_NBTOOL_CONFIG_H=1 
-I/u/sources/netbsd-9/src/sys/external/bsd/libfdt/dist   -o dtc 
checks.lo data.lo dtc.lo flattree.lo fstree.lo livetree.lo srcpos.lo 
treesource.lo util.lo dtc-lexer.lo dtc-parser.lo 
-L/var/obj/netbsd-build-objects/9/evbarm/tools/libfdt -lfdt 
-L/u/netbsd-builds/9/evbarm/tools/lib -lnbcompat -lrt -lz
ld: dtc-parser.lo:(.bss+0x0): multiple definition of `yylloc'; 
dtc-lexer.lo:(.bss+0x0): first defined here

*** Failed target:  dtc

Is this a known issue?


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