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Re: netbsd-9 failure

ld: dtc-parser.lo:(.bss+0x0): multiple definition of `yylloc'; dtc-lexer.lo:(.bss+0x0): first defined here

Really? Really, really?

I was fixing this exact failure in some Linux sources from 2014 on Sunday. Well I never.


It's fixed by jmcneill's edit to dtc-lexer.l 19 months ago, so I guess the edit just needs to be pulled up into the netbsd-9 branch.

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you are hosting this on a system with a recent GCC. GCC used to allow this sort of code, but not any more.

Indeed. I'm compiling on NetBSD-current with gcc 10.3.0. It's not so surprising when -current doesn't compile on netbsd-9, but the other way around certainly isn't expected.



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