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Re: raspberry pi HOWTO

Thank you for these changes.

I am trying to test an kernel update for Raspberry Pi (first gen.) from -9 to -current and I experienced that updating only kernel.img is not enough. I will be very interested in knowing where the firmware is in the source tree. 

Le 19/06/2020 à 15:29, Greg Troxel a écrit :
> I just edited at https://wiki.netbsd.org/ports/evbarm/raspberry_pi/
>   removed netbsd 7 info and  declared netbsd 7 now irrelevant
>   changed main recommendation to NetBSD 9 stable (from 8, yes this was overdue)
>   extended info about serial console (115200 baud, kermit commands)
>   noted focus on what is actually in the NetBDS source tree
> (Please note that the HOWTO is for users and is focused on what NetBSD
> releases, release branches, and current can do without any special side
> installations.  If there is "if you do steps a, b, c then X will work",
> that's great for the mailing list but I don't think it belongs in the
> As time as gone by, I have some questions.  Please send answers, and
> please be clear on "I think it might" vs "this is definitely true", and
> also please be clear about 8/9 release and stables vs current.
>   - Does NetBSD work on RPI4 (4G, 8G)?
>   - Does the builtin wifi (RPI3, RPI0W) work?
>   - What are the rules about updating firmware when updating branches,
>     especially 8 to 9?

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