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raspberry pi HOWTO

I just edited at https://wiki.netbsd.org/ports/evbarm/raspberry_pi/

  removed netbsd 7 info and  declared netbsd 7 now irrelevant
  changed main recommendation to NetBSD 9 stable (from 8, yes this was overdue)
  extended info about serial console (115200 baud, kermit commands)
  noted focus on what is actually in the NetBDS source tree

(Please note that the HOWTO is for users and is focused on what NetBSD
releases, release branches, and current can do without any special side
installations.  If there is "if you do steps a, b, c then X will work",
that's great for the mailing list but I don't think it belongs in the

As time as gone by, I have some questions.  Please send answers, and
please be clear on "I think it might" vs "this is definitely true", and
also please be clear about 8/9 release and stables vs current.

  - Does NetBSD work on RPI4 (4G, 8G)?

  - Does the builtin wifi (RPI3, RPI0W) work?

  - What are the rules about updating firmware when updating branches,
    especially 8 to 9?

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