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Re: SIGILL in libcrypto.so.14 on NetBSD 9.0 PinebookPro

In article <20200711204345.GA380%nutilius.eu@localhost>,
Piotr KolasiÅ ski  <nome%nutilius.eu@localhost> wrote:
>On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 10:04:50PM -0000, Christos Zoulas wrote:
>> In article <20200709202124.GA29400%nutilius.eu@localhost>,
>> Piotr KolasiÅ ski  <nome%nutilius.eu@localhost> wrote:
>> >Hello Yorick
>> >
>> >Yes, I confirm, if TERM=xterm is exported, mutt works. I'm wondering
>> >where is the problem, st-256color (default TERM value) exists in
>> >terminfo, maybe some escape sequence?
>> It is probably a terminfo bug... What version on netbsd are you running?
>> christos
>I'm runnig NetBSD 9.0 stable arm64 on PinebookPro.
>uname -a
>NetBSD pbp-comp 9.0_STABLE NetBSD 9.0_STABLE (GENERIC64) #0: Sat Jun 13
>05:56:44 UTC 2020

Yes, this has been fixed on HEAD. We could pullup the fixes, or change
the offending terminfo entries:

$ fgrep 0x10000 /usr/src/share/terminfo

        colors#0x100, pairs#0x10000,
        colors#0x100, pairs#0x10000,
        colors#0x100, pairs#0x10000,
        colors#0x1000000, pairs#0x10000,
        colors#0x1000000, pairs#0x10000,
        colors#0x1000000, pairs#0x10000,
        colors#0x100, cols#80, it#8, lines#24, lm#0, pairs#0x10000,
        colors#0x100, pairs#0x10000,

to make them fit in a short, ie make them 0xffff, rebuild terminfo and


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