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aarch64 or earmv7hf on RPi 3B+


I'd like to install NetBSD instead of Linux on my Raspberry Pi 3B+ to
be used as a SOHO router, firewall, dns server and something more.
I use FreeBSD for my server needs in amd64 platform, and my experience
with NetBSD is just for a couple of installs in the past, so please,
I'd be great to have a bit more of explanation, please.

For aarch64, I've read that I need to install -current.
1- My first question is regarding system updating.  Can the system be
upgraded from within it, or do I need to dd a different image each
time losing all configurations done meanwhile?
2- If the former, what is the advised way to upgrade the system?
3- Is is any different for this platform to upgrade a current aarch64
or a earmv7hf 8.1 system?
4- Regarding aarch64, that I'd prefer to get the maximum from the CPU,
can I expect the same number of packages available as for earmv7hf?
5- Apart from http://wiki.netbsd.org/ports/evbarm/raspberry_pi/ that
has a lot of \todo to be done, is there any guide to install NetBSD to
RPi 3B+ that you'd recommend?



Luis Mendes

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