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Re: Any Interest in Install Doc Updates for Beaglebone?

On Jun 19, 2017, at 9:18 PM, Henry B (Hank) Hotz, CISSP <hbhotz%oxy.edu@localhost> wrote:

Even if I tell you to go buy a serial cable to finish the install?

Yep, I have this one, works well enough.

If you don’t need any debugging feedback and can do everything perfectly the first time, then I’m sure you can construct a functional SD card from another NetBSD machine.

I think you also have to go hunting for the u-boot files as well. Unless NetBSD redistributes them in the images now.

I’ll be traveling the next few weeks but if I’m around my BBB I’m willing to test out your steps if needed. It would be nice to have all that kind of info in the official docs. :)

— Travis

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