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Re: Status of RPi 3 (b) ?

On Thu, 5 Jan 2017, Brian Buhrow wrote:
I'm using NetBSD-current on an RPI3, using the RPI2 images. Everything seems to work except for the wireless and bluetooth modules.

Right on. I was trying a 7.x release, I think. I can't remember. Anyhow, I'll just use a -current image and try again. At least now I know it's worth trying, so thanks for that.

The dmesg for this is below. Note that this is -current from the end of November 2016. -Brian

Hmm, well, unless something has been broken between now and then, that should be okay. As far as wireless & BT, they are "nice to have". Since the RPi3 has 4 USB ports, I can just use one of those if I need Bluetooth or Wifi to hork up my privacy. :-)


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