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Re: Having trouble bilding src tools on NetBSD-5.2 for arm platform -- any ideas?

	Hello.  The reason it's not static is because we don't declare it as
static in src/include/strings.h.  If we put static in this code snippet,
gcc complains and the build fails.  I didn't want to change
include/strings.h just because I'm building on something other than
NetBSD-6 or NetBSD-7.

Is the fix to remove the inline here?

On Dec 30,  6:24pm, David Laight wrote:
} Subject: Re: Having trouble bilding src tools on NetBSD-5.2 for arm platfo
} On Fri, Dec 30, 2016 at 09:26:24AM -0800, Brian Buhrow wrote:
} > 	hello.  The following fix allows me to build ARM on NetBSD-5 and
} I'm not sure you want a non-static inline function.
} 	David
} -- 
} David Laight: david%l8s.co.uk@localhost
>-- End of excerpt from David Laight

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