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Re: Pi 3 HDMI mode problems

Was I supposed to comment something out after the first boot?  It
looks like it's trying to resize again, segfaults, comes up in what
looks like single user mode.

Maybe NetBSD's 4.2BSD filesystem isn't completely compatible with
OpenBSD's?  I mounted the SD card read/write and edited a couple of

I remember a horrible problem with disklabels trying to put OpenBSD
and FreeBSD on the same hard drive once.

On 5/10/16, Alan Corey <alan01346%gmail.com@localhost> wrote:
> Thanks, I'll just need ifconfig.usmsc0, to ssh to it from 2 meters
> away I think.  In a few hours I'll try it.
> On 5/10/16, John Klos <john%ziaspace.com@localhost> wrote:
>>> So back to trying to work around this.  I gather NetBSD uses
>>> ifconfig.interfacename files like OpenBSD uses hostname.interfacename
>>> files.  The hostname.em0 for my ethernet card looks like:
>>> inet
>> The device on a Pi is usmsc0, so you just need to create ifconfig.usmsc0,
>> mygate, mygate6 (if applicable) and resolv.conf.
>> John
> --
> Credit is the root of all evil.  - AB1JX

Credit is the root of all evil.  - AB1JX

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