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Re: Digital DNARD "Shark" net computers available

I can pick these up if there are no other takers, I've got a couple
already, but would like to avoid seeing these scrapped.


On Wednesday, April 6, 2011, EBetts <ebetts%gmail.com@localhost> wrote:
> I have several Digital DNARD "Shark" computers no longer in use, available 
> and looking for a new home.
> I'd rather get these systems in to the hands of people that can use them 
> versus a scrap pile.
> Contact me if you are interested to arrange pick-up in the Bay Area, 
> California or shipping options.
> If there is an email specifically for sale arm-based computers, please let me 
> know.
> Thanks!
> /Eric
> ebetts%gmail.com@localhost

Look, I lived through the Gray Davis years.  I *need* a UPS.

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