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Re: Panics going multiuser with NetBSD 8, 9, current

On Mon, 13 Sept 2021 at 19:53, John Klos <john%ziaspace.com@localhost> wrote:
> ...and I get the same panic when booting via NFS...
> The only thing I can think of that MIGHT be a factor is that this machine
> has no clock battery because it was removed ages ago. What if this has
> something to do with a crazy date or something else stored in the battery
> backed RAM?
> I'll check that next.

The other thought would be to bisect the changes between netbsd-6 and
7 to determine where the problem triggered - should be able to run a
test build from current around netbsd-6 to confirm that the issue was
not in current at that point, then one around netbsd-7 and git bisect
to get the issue.

Alternatively you could leave a script trying to build kernels for
every month or so between the two and test then en-mass :)


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